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History Intent

As Historians, children at Town Lane will be inspired to explore and investigate the past, understand chronology and continually build on their historical knowledge through our ambitious history curriculum. Our topics equip pupils with the tools needed to think critically about the past, how it has been portrayed and follow their own lines of enquiry to ask and answer questions. History topics incorporate a personal, local and international perspective to provide children with a wider understanding of the world around them. We want children to enjoy learning about history through a wide range of sources, media and experiences to explore how events in the past have shaped the lives and culture of society today. 

At Town Lane Infant School we aim to:
• Foster in children an interest in the past.
• Enable children to know about significant events in British history and to appreciate how things have changed over time.
• Develop pupils’ understanding of chronology;
• Help children understand society and their place within it, so that they develop a sense of their own cultural heritage.
• Develop in children the skills of enquiry and investigation.
We believe that all children should have equality of opportunity and should be able to access the history curriculum regardless of race, religion, gender or ability. 
The National Curriculum is the basis for planning and teaching in history and is implemented through a creative curriculum themed approach. Themes are included in the long term planning for each year group. In the foundation stage, teaching is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage and is implemented as part of Understanding the World through themes.

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