World War 2
4th Sept 1939
Following the declaration of war on Sunday Sept 3rd the school has been closed for 1 week by order of the government.
11th September 1939
School closed until further notice by order of Cheshire education Authority
12th Oct 1939
School re-opened. 1½ hr. shift scheme – (100 chn. per period) put into operation.
16th Oct 1939
School re. opened today. Ordinary hours. The trenches are ready for use when necessary.
23rd Aug 1940
This week has been spent in and out of the shelters. Work has been re-organised to aid the new situation.
30th Aug 1940
Again an unsettled week. Low attendance following night attacks. Biscuits, barley sugar etc all given to the children during prolonged stays in the trenches.
15th Nov 1940
Following requests from numerous parents for their children to remain in school during air raids the following procedure has been followed
Each parent, so desiring, has been asked to sign a form accepting full responsibility in case of air raid casualty to her child whilst remaining in school during an air raid.
Children whose parents have not signed the forms proceed to the two first trenches in the ordinary way.
Whether in school or trenches the children remain under constant supervision – but the staff in the trenches are relieved every 20 mins.
Parent helpers will act as spotters to give approach of danger. A special signal will be given when necessary for children to take extra cover.
29th Nov 1940
Very low attendance following heavy air raids.
Nov 2nd 1941
Damage was done to the school by blast during last evenings Air Raid. Glass windows, frames, doors, bolts & part of corridor ceiling were damaged, but with additional help the school was prepared for the usual opening on Monday A.M.
28th June 1948
Workmen have today started to demolish the shelters.