Local and Global Citizenship

We had some visitors come into school today from the NSPCC. They talked about the work that they do and told us about our rights.
We are looking forward to raising some money next week to help buddy and the NSPCC do their work. 
October 2017

As you know, at the end of last year, we achieved our Level 1 award to become a Rights Respecting School. We are continually informing the children of their rights in the world today and we teach them sensitively about children who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Last year we taught the children about refugees and the plight of children who live in Syria. This involved us taking part in UNICEFs ‘Day for Change’ and dressing in the colour blue (the colour of UNICEF’s logo).

This year we are teaching the children that children’s rights are affecting our country too so we would like to raise money not only for UNICEF but for the NSPCC as well.

Therefore, we invite the children to dress up in anything ‘blue’ on Friday 20th October and bring in a small donation for these two amazing charities.

We thank you for your support.