School Uniform
Appropriate School Clothing
School uniform can be obtained from
and other various online sites and supermarkets
All uniform must be clearly marked with the child’s name.
Second hand free uniform can be obtained from
Wirral Fuss
School uniform
Pale blue/white shirt or polo shirt
Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan which can have the school emblem on
Mid-grey pinafore/skirt/trousers
White/grey/black socks or tights
Shoes should be flat and black or grey (no trainers)
During cold/wet periods children wearing boots to school should have a change of footwear ready to put on once entering school
Sun hats are essential
Mid-grey school shorts/trousers/skirt
White polo shirt which can have the school emblem
Pale blue and white dress –any pattern, any style suitable for school
White ‘T’ shirt which can have the school emblem on.
White/grey/black socks
Shoes should be flat and black or grey (no trainers)
Closed toe, flat sandals can be worn in hot weather
The wearing of jewellery including earings and earing studs is not permitted on safety grounds during physical education lessons or other sporting activities (e.g. after school activities). This will ensure that our pupils have the safest experience in their PE lessons. This decision is based on National Guidance issued by the Association for Physical Education (AfPE) and has the best interests of our pupils at heart. The guidance states:
“Schools have a duty of care to ensure students are able to participate actively without unnecessarily endangering themselves or those working around them. A clear and consistently applied policy for the removal of personal effects should be in place. The Association for Physical Education (AfPE) strongly recommends the practice of removing all personal effects at the commencement of every lesson to establish a safe working environment. This applies to all ear and body piercings, including retainer and expander earrings.”
It is recommended by school not to wear earrings at all during the school day as there are many physical activities throughout the week.
All other jewellery is not permitted.
Additional Information
Water Bottles
All children have access to fresh, clean drinking water in school and are also encouraged to bring in a named or easily identifiable water bottle. This must only contain plain, unflavoured water. As a health promoting school, this means children are not drinking sugary /flavoured drinks.
Nail varnish
The wearing of nail varnish is prohibited
For PE and Forest school sessions, long hair must be tied back.
It is strongly encouraged that our young children have hair tied back at all times due to the nature of our exploratory, play based provision.
Book bags
All children are strongly encouraged to use a blue book bag or small carry bag for school because we cannot accommodate large bags on our school pegs.