Communication Between School and Home
It is the school’s aim to have clear open channels of communication for parents/carers.
A monthly newsletter is produced which keeps parents informed of all events in school relating to that period. This is generally emailed on the last day of each month. A copy is available in the trays outside the office and is added to the website.
Curriculum newsletters for each year group are distributed half-termly.
The parents association publicise all events via letter or email.
The Headteacher, Mrs Large, is available each morning from 8.40am – 8.50am on the gate to answer any queries from parents. Additionally more extensive and private interviews with the Headteacher may be arranged at this time.
Teaching staff are available for a brief exchange of information, or to arrange a more lengthy meeting, at 3.15pm.
There are two formal parent-teacher meetings through the year but additional individual interviews can be arranged to discuss pupil’s progress or behaviour, if neccessary. Dates for parent meetings are circulated via the newsletter and can be found on the school website.
Parents can access all information, including letters emailed home, via the Eschools app. Please ask at the office for more information if required.
Parents Suggestion and Opinions
The School Post Boxes affixed to the main gate and next to the school office may be used as a suggestion box for parent’s ideas and suggestions. We do carry out questionnaires from time to time to canvas opinion and evaluate our performance but also encourage parental comment either in person or, if preferred, anonymously through the suggestion box.
Workshops for parents are arranged covering many aspects of the curriculum and health issues. Parents are invited to school regularly to join in celebrations and pupil presentations. Volunteer parents are warmly welcomed supporting staff in many ways and enriching the programme of activities on offer for children. For current information see newsletter.
SMS Messaging
Sometimes we will contact parents by text messaging or via email. This is usually to remind parents about a school event or school closure (e.g. adverse weather conditions). Therefore, it is very important that parents keep the school office aware of any changes in mobile numbers or email.